Friday, December 5, 2008

Tablet notebooks

Last night in my Emerging Technology class we learned about using tablet notebooks in the classroom. I thought the tablets were great! It's so convenient to take notes on the tablet and convert it to text. The tablet was even able to convert my cursive handwriting.

Using the tablet to project class notes seems to be much better than writing on a white board, chalk board or an overhead projector. All the older ways to share information in the classroom require the teacher to either have their back to the class or look down. Since I'm left handed it is especially difficult for me to use overhead projectors, chalkboards, and whiteboards because I always seem to erase what I just wrote.

I could see myself using a tablet to save notes in class, email notes home to absent students, and send notes home to parents so they know how to help their children with math homework. The tablet would also allow for me to keep notes I used in the lesson so I could reflect on the lesson, make changes, and then save these notes so part of the lesson will be ready to use for following year.

What are some other ways to use tablet notebooks in the classroom?

photo from